Better Sunrise

woman sleeping

How Our Home Sleep Test Works

Have you been worried that you may have sleep apnea, but you don’t want to spend a night in a lab, having people watch over you? At Better Sunrise Comprehensive Sleep Apnea Solutions, we offer home sleep tests (HSTs) that are a great alternative to standard sleep apnea tests. Our top-rated home sleep tests help you to better understand your disorder while setting you on the right path to a perfect night’s sleep. Learn more about how our HSTs work, or get in touch with Better Sunrise today to get your own sleep apnea testing kit.

Do I Have Sleep Apnea?

There are a wide variety of warning signs and symptoms of sleep apnea, and not all of them are noticeable if you are asleep! Some things that you or your family members may notice include:

  • Loud snoring during the night
  • Times during your sleep where you will stop breathing momentarily
  • Gasping or choking sounds that happen while you are asleep
  • A dry mouth or sore throat that you notice after you have woken up
  • Headaches in the morning, especially upon waking
  • Excessive sleepiness during the daytime, even when you get enough sleep

If you have noticed these symptoms, you should consider taking one of our top-rated home sleep apnea tests to correctly diagnose your issues and so you can seek treatment.

About Home Sleep Tests

Normally, sleep apnea tests are done in a hospital or in laboratories. In these cases, doctors and technicians will watch over you all night, and you will have to sleep with electrodes and equipment attached to your body to give readings about your sleep. This is often uncomfortable and can cost up to $5000! However, when you choose an HST from Better Sunrise Comprehensive Sleep Apnea Solutions, we will deliver you an in-home testing kit that is much more comfortable than the standard sleep apnea tests. It can also be completed in your home, in the comfort of your own bed. After just one night of sleep, you’ll get accurate data that will help you to diagnose any issues that you may be having.

Get Your Own HST

Better Sunrise Comprehensive Sleep Apnea Solutions is here to help you with your sleep apnea. We want to ensure you have the right information so that you can seek the help that you need to better understand your sleep patterns. Contact our team today to learn more about our HSTs, or order your own at-home sleep apnea test today